

Dear Constellation of Scars, Beauty is a starlit sky.
Dear Constellation of Scars,

As I sit under the vast expanse of the night sky, I am reminded of you, for beauty is a starlit sky, just like you are to me. Each scar you bear tells a story of strength, resilience, and beauty that shines through the darkness of your past. Like the stars scattered across the heavens, your scars form a unique pattern that makes you who you are - a work of art created by the trials and tribulations you have faced.

Every scar has its own tale to tell, a narrative of endurance and survival etched into your skin. They are like the stars in the sky; each one a beacon of light in the vast darkness, guiding you through the night. Just as each star contributes to the magnificence of the night sky, your scars contribute to the beauty of your being, reflecting the battles you have fought and the triumphs you have achieved.

Embrace these marks as a testament to your strength, a reminder of the journey you have traveled and the obstacles you have overcome. Let them be a source of pride, for they are a part of what makes you shine brighter than any star in the sky.

With love and admiration,
© Simrans