

The She!

Her sight that fills my heart with feeling.
Her glowing skin that caught my eye,
Filled with joy, she played nearby.

But not just me, a crowd beheld,
Her beauty that our hearts compelled.

So there I sat on the bench that day,
Next to her, I could not look away.
She drew closer, then pulled away,
As if tempting me to join or warning me to go away.

I questioned if I was worthy indeed,
To face her anger or feel her love indeed.
For she was there before I came,
And will be there, forever the same.

She told, she is not what she seems,
In her heart, buried deep within,
Lurk gems and skeletons, dark and grim.

She's not a person, she is the Sea,
She's not a noun, but the verb,
She's not just a lover, but the mighty LOVE!

© davence_hackwell
#WritcoQuote #writco #writer #Love&love #davence #Shayari #nature