

Alone, I Felt The Sweet Pains.

With a sneak from the house at night,
I met him right beside my window
whispering my name - his emotionless habitual act;
I wish his feelings were not that shallow.

The feeling Mama had always warned me of,
That feeling I could not go against no matter what
came gushing from my heart through arteries
and diffuses to every part of my body;

Making my whole body an abode for its scent
As the just pumped water gushes out of the tap,
filling every corner of a container.
I wonder if he also feels the same;

As he held my hand,
I felt a surge of warmness down my spine.
Again, an electric shock feeling
travels through my veins aiming to deposit
its painful sweetness in my heart.

Lessening the sweetened pains;
I placed a hand of his on my thumping heart
and that of mine on his
I frowned; I couldn't feel his thumping heart!

With a barrage of rhetorical questions,I fought for answers; 'Why couldn't he return the feelings?'...
I tried to listen to Mama's warning voice
but the feelings wouldn't allow me.
Hence, I accepted mine as an unrequited love.

© Merci A. Mujidat