

New Days, Forgotten Friendship
The day we first met was intriguing.
It was fun, enjoyable and exciting.
I may be shy, but I tried talking.
And when it comes by, it was a liking.

That last year was crazy,
Full of chaos, being lazy.
But when work comes by,
We take it seriously.

But this year was no more.
You drifted apart with distance,
Dumped me with another one,
Forgetting that we existed once.

What have I done wrong?
The accidental touching?
The discomfort of my closing?
Or you just don't want any meaning?

I'm sorry if everything was bad,
I never meant to be misled,
Because I'm simply uneducated,
And thought everything was equalized.

© Vyrene

#venting #letter #writco

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