

sorrowful girl dream
In shadows cast, a girl unseen,
Yearning for a life serene.
In the dance of normalcy, she twirls,
Yet, sorrow's grip, around her swirls.

Her heart, a melody in minor key,
Longing for the simple glee.
In the crowd, she hides her pain,
A silent storm, a quiet rain.

Through mundane days, she threads her way,
A normal girl, in disarray.
Behind the smile, a tale untold,
A scripted life, but paper-thin fold.

Her dreams confined, like caged birds weep,
In solitude, her secrets seep.
She craves the mundane, a life unscarred,
Yet, sorrow's whispers leave her marred.

Normalcy eludes her grasp,
In sorrow's symphony, she clasps.
But in the quiet of the night,
She dreams of a life bathed in light.

A normal girl with a hopeful heart,
Yearning for a fresh start.
In sorrow's grip, she finds her place,
Yet dreams of joy and love's embrace.

© dreams