

Move with a smile
Challenge mode on as our challenger sissy is here 🤩
I have written all this at first becoz i dont know 🤭

Sorrows may try to conquer u but moving on with a positive mind is your strength.
Only u can push u into sorrows only u can.
Family,life, love, happiness and sorrows all are a temporary bonds and feelings in reality u r tge only one to help urself...
Life is a game play it with your willpower and determination.
Positiveness comes when u let your pains go on and moves with a smile.
Look around and see the nature to console urself.
Staying with a problem makes u more and more hurt, if it can help u ok stay but it wont.
Lets move on with a hope of overcoming the problems .
Now the entire world is in trouble so stay together and hopeful...
Nothing is permenant but that doesnt mean it wud end soon just move on with a positive approach.
Everything wud end ones and u are the only one with u so let's move on with a goal to live.
Go on to die, go on to stay, go on to laugh, go on to help...

Its a challenge but i just wrote what i thought for now.

© 𝚃𝚑𝚎𝚎𝚛𝚝𝚑𝚊...