

Wake me up when it's all over
Wake me up when it's all Over,
When the world is a better place to live in,
Where people are divided by their personalities and not by their caste,creed and colour.
Where humanity is the only religion all over,
And when there is no pride but empathy forever.

Wake me up when it's all over,
When people are respected equally,
When virtues matter more than the origin,
When patience will overpower anger,
And when happiness will take over agony.

Wake me up when the society understands the evolution of generation,
When it accepts that happiness is way above the notions of good and bad,
When people can fight for themselves with any fear of abandonment,
When people understand that it's their lives and they have the right to take the desicion for themselves,
When everyone accepts that there no harm in being unique.

Wake me up when character isn't judged through clothes,
When men aren't labelled as tuff and strong,
When women aren't treated like an object,
When a expressive man isn't considered to be weak,
When a woman is strong enough to raise her voice when needed.

Wake me up when it's all over,
When the essence of true love and emotions exist,
When "Forever" really means Eternity,
When feelings are being valued and appreciated,
And when there is no treachery.

Wake me up when there is purity in the air,
When relations are more important than ego,
When there is no duality and fakeness,
When they care for one another,
And when there is no place for hatred and envy.

Wake me up when it's all over,
When the darkness is replaced by the stars of brightness,
Because that's when this world will be a better place to live in.
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