

Charaka Samhita

"An ideal medical student,
should be of mild disposition,
noble by nature, never mean in acts,
free from pride, strong memory, liberal mind, devoted to truth, likes solitude,
of thoughtful disposition, free from anger,
of excellent character, compassionate,
fond of study, devoted to theory & practice,
who seeks the good of all creatures."
--- Charaka Samhita.

Written by persons or a lineage,
it spoke philosophy, of medical education,
with diet, hygiene and their preventions,
while promoting a teamwork between,
physicians, nurses, patients & medicine.

And I wondered...
How would they react,
watching present day businesses,
made out of our healthcare system.

For, they were the wanderers,
ascetics, that visited the villages,
following strict codes of conduct,
while performing their duties.

Devoting themselves for sole purpose,
of researching, and providing services,
striving to care and heal ailments,
that afflicted the people, their patients.

Then again, they would also see,
the lack of respect, and reciprocity,
where advises were being questioned,
and people, doubt their generosity...

Medical science, also have advanced,
that needs more, than natural products,
giving opportunities to open markets,
gathering profits, from the diseases.

Still, they would find the joy,
of treatments, and their discoveries,
but lament, the lost compliance,
for healthier lifestyles...
To prevent the diseases!

© Dr. Manish Rout