

Dream and nightmare
In slumber's realm, two worlds apart
Lies my most beautiful dream, a work of art
A vision of joy, of love and light
Where hope and peace dance through the night

In this sweet dream, my heart sings free
With every breath, my soul is glee
The world is bright, with colors bold
A masterpiece of beauty, young and old

But then, a shadow creeps in sight
My worst nightmare, a dark and endless night
A realm of fear, of pain and strife
Where terror reigns, and hope loses life

In this dark dream, my heart races fast
With every breath, my soul is aghast
The world is dark, with shadows cold
A prison of fear, where I'm lost and old

Yet, in the light of dawn's embrace
My beautiful dream takes its rightful place
And though the nightmare may linger near
My heart holds tight to hope and cheer.

© Rukie vert