

blaring sound drumming on my mind,
a vision of doom hung over me,
as misery clouds my vision,
with despair a resolute companion.
the voices were back in bleeding howls,
screaming my failures and faults,
painting visuals of what has been,
in the plains of my mind.
like glue for eyesore,
they clung to me,
imbeded in my inner sight.
and vivid spectator that i am,
their recollection was stamped on the seat,
of my mind in glaring details,
my eyes were crusted seas of salt.
since i had shed a gallon of tears,
those long months ago,
i tried to outrun them but,
they were swifter than arrows.
they camped and hissed and mocked,
louder than crows at a funeral,
taking a piece of me every time.
regret was a dead concept,
as guilt wove around me in dark tones,
i would rewrite my story if I could,
escape a moment from the watchful companions.
#poetry #storyteller #beunique #spokenword #deep #innermusing #nimble #writcostories
© sailabby