

A Trust Shattered
"A Trust Shattered"

Once a bond, strong and true
A friendship, pure, and through
But now, a crack, a break, a fall
A betrayal, that echoes through it all

A whispered lie, a hidden face
A deceitful heart, a secret place
Where trust was broken, and love did fade
Leaving only shards, of a friendship made

Memories linger, of laughter and tears
Of moments shared, through all the years
But now, a pain, a hurt, a scar
A reminder of a love, that went too far

A trust shattered, like fallen glass
A bond broken, that can never last
For once betrayed, the heart does ache
And the pieces, of love, can never be remade.

This poem explores the pain and hurt caused by betrayal, and how it can shatter the trust and bond between people. It also touches on the lingering memories and the struggle to move on from the pain caused by betrayal.
© Hawaimperial5