

My body system.
My head please,
Can we have a talk ?
Can you please listen to me?
I beg my head.

I know i overwork you,
I know you carry a lot,
But please hunnie,
Must you always ?
Always scream?

I know things may be tough,
You bear a lot,
This i confess,
But must you always scream?

My precious head,
I know ,
I know i harass you,
Every morning,
When i prepare for work ,
But must you scream?

My dear stomach,
Letsa have a talk,
Must you always cry?
Anytime i feed ?
You dont want spices?

But dear stomach,
Its not my fault,
Your sister mouth,
Forces me to,
So must you cry?

You my mouth?
Why do you always betray me?
Why do you eat?
Eat whats not allowed?
Why eat masala?
Why dont you cooperate?

My twins,
Yes my kidneys,
Cant you tell me when you thirsty?
Must you cause discomfort-
To my tall twins?
My legs?

My other twins,
My eyes,
Must you always close?
When i dont have enough sleep?
Cant you tell me politely?

Why harass me?
Body system cooperate😊

© Dinaice