

Neither here nor there
As daylight breaks, morning rays blinding my very eyes;
My heart wailes as your voice echoes at the very core of my soul!
There is pain in this beautiful feeling;
Love and desire,

As daylight rises ,the wailing rises as though fueled by the morning feel!
My mind looses control as I struggle to ground myself.
My thoughts focused yet everything ablur.
like the rage of a mad bull so too my passion pulls.

As daylight breaks I seek her soothing touch!Memories of her soft touch on my chest run rampant, her sweet lips on mine.
The burning sensation from the warmth of her thighs
Her goodness so divine

As I hear her voice over and over ,desire rages .
She is neither here nor there.
daylight breaks as I search through this morning feel,
seeking to find her sweet scent and maybe like a hound, search till I can release this feeling I have bound

As memories so vivid flood my mind I feel no need to be ground ,
For in mind and in soul I am neither here nor there but simply with her .
In all of this I seek to find us together somewhere ,anywhere!, nowhere?

I wish to be neither here nor there Just to be with her and her with me!
© L~Switch