

Every Girl Desires
Wait for the right man
The one who calls you beautiful/ Pretty
instead of hot,
who will lie under the stars
to listen to your heartbeat ,
or stay awake just to watch you sleep.
The man who kisses your forehead
and wants to protect you.
One who wants to show you off to
The world when you're in sweats.
Who wants to hold your hands
infront of his and your friends.
Who hugs you when you're hurt,
knowing you're in pain just by looking in your eyes.
Who rents his shoulders for you to cry or rely on.
Who wants you to be clingy just with him.
Who thinks you're just as pretty
without any makeup on.
One who's constantly reminding you
how lucky he is to have you.
Who respects you more than anything ,
and knows how to treat his girl like a lady.
Who wants to date you with marriage in mind, and not just for fun.
The one who turns to his friends and
Says, She is mine. She is the one-
The love of my Life.
© Enigma