

To whom?
Oh Hello there! 😊
How you holding up?
Well, been a bit busy lately
I hope everyone is safe and healthy.

Just wanna share my thoughts
Wrote it down on a journal
But sharing it with you feels better
Perhaps, we can analyse it together.

Come to think of it
Sometimes, we push ourselves too much,
Train like a beast,
Work overtime and missed our meals,
Staying up late, getting up early
Put everything in the basket
Our efforts, our energy, our time
For what? And for Whom?
All of those hardwork In exchange for a five-second compliment.
Words we crave from people who tend to see only the results.
The funny this is,
We go lengths to get and to hear
Those seconds of flattering remarks
For it gives us this feeling of satisfaction, that sense of pride and somewhat, fulfillment,
Pause and try to analyse,
with just a blink of an eye,
That feeling disappears.
The saddest part is that,
after every thing we've done
None of it were done for OURSELVES
but for others,
For somebody, for a mere stranger,
Whose presence is missing when we're badly hurt.
And look how we are so okay with that 🙁

© aadieaudry