

My Middle School Math Teacher
High expectations

And ridiculous allegations

I remember what you said

It's practically etched into my head

Tell me, miss,

Now that you have children of your own,

Is that something you say,

To a thirteen year old?

When I looked for a soul to confide,

Told you the struggles that were burning me inside,

You withdrew without a glance.

Told me to make some friends.

My innocent plea met with words so harsh

Is it drugs or boys, she had the nerve to ask,

I'll call your mummy and call your brother,

When they look in your bag, I'll ask them to look further

Made stupid assumptions

You left wounds that would last

My trust was shattered, I withdrew deep into my mind

I did not trust another

For my fear of judgement became too wast

No longer did I confide in the wise

For fear of their painful replies

You broke my trust, you severed my hope

You cut the rope

You broke my handhold

You let my drown

Kicked someone who was already down

Because I did badly in middle school math

You let my faith turn into ash

© Aubrin
This is based on true events about my life. 13 was a really tough year for me, however, out of all the stuff that went down that year, I think this hurt me the most.
I had this teacher in the year before this one as my class teacher as well and she viewed me as one of her favorite students because I always made an effort to be one the better students in her class but the year after that some stuff went down and suddenly I fell behind and I made the mistake of ignoring the signs and I kept falling behind in school. This teacher was really dead set on asking me what was up and she was one of the younger teachers so I did trust her more than I would trust, say my history teacher or something. Which is why it stung so much I guess, her words "is it boys or drugs" really hurt me and really stuck with me through middle school. The next year however, I met some awesome friend and left the not so awesome friends behind eventually, so it turned out pretty well. I think I'll always hold a little bit of resentment over this women because I was a CHILD who trusted her with stuff about herself that she did not trust with anyone else. So yeah she kinda just kicked me repeatedly when I was already down, I had a lost of respect for her before and I kinda just lost that. Also I feel the need to state that I was NOT failing maths, I was simply behind on school work(written notes) and not doing as well in class tests. Lastly, thank you for listening to my rant and thank you for reading my poem 😊.