

Last Good Bye
I went over to her to say final goodbye....

She was happy to leave to fullfill her dreams,
But something was wrong when I met her eyes...

They were sore as if she cried alot last night....
I can see sore and tired eyes....
Dried tears all over her face....
Taking step away from me...
She tried to hide her face away from me....
Deep inside i don't want to let her go...
Without knowing reason behind her sadness....

I went close to her to talk...
She kept on going away...
I can hear a silent sound of cry....
I hold her hand,
Moved forward,
Pulled her chin up,
Wipe her tears,
Hug her tight....
Our lips met...
We kissed like never before....
It was long kiss...
Which slowly went down to her neck....
Slowly undressed her....
Muscling her breast...
Kissing her softly....
I can feel her heavy breath....
Room filled with her moans...
I let my fingers crawled her belly button...
Slowly followed with kisses...
Which made her heart raised....
Craving for my love....
I let my hand crawl....
To explore her hidden place...
Deep inside....
I licked her clitoris...
And sucked her hard....
She released her white cream...
Craving for more....
I pulled her close....
Our bodies entangled....
With every stroke....
She sings song...
In which our bodies dance....
Her desire to increase...
A speed of strokes....
She makes me wild...
Pain is diluted....
With kisses all over her wet body....
With final stroke....
She was drenched in him...
When orgasms released....

*Preeti Vidhani (Preeti Makhija)
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