

The whisper of snow

In hush of dawn, a shroud of white,
Gentle crystals fall, pure and bright,
Like whispers of silk on the earth's soft bed,
A tapestry woven where life gently spreads.

Each flake, a pearl against the vast blue sky,
Dances with joy as the cold winds sigh,
Snow bound dreams twinkle in morning's face,
Nature's ballet in a silent, serene space.

The world dons a gown of glistening frost,
pine trees shimmer, their warmth never lost,
Underneath layer of this delicate quilt,
A secret life stirs, where magic is built.

In frosted kingdom, soft shadows play,
A crystalline forest where children may sway,
With laughter like bells, they leap and spin,
Creating their stories, where wonder begins.

The air bites sharp, yet my heart feels light,
As the sun's golden kiss turns the snow into bright,
Each particle glimmers, a universe spun,
A frosty mosaic, alive in the sun.

And look at the field, now a canvas so pure,
Every contour and edge, every line so demure,
Unblemished and flawless, a rhythm divine,
Nature’s cold palette of pearly white wine.

I wander the pathways where footsteps have tread,
Printing my story, leaving whispers instead,
With each crunching sound, the tranquility breaks,
Echoing softly like the sigh of the lakes.

The moon spills its silver, casting shadows so deep,
As crickets go dormant, the whole cosmos sleeps,
Yet the snowmen stand guard, with their coal-studded eyes,
Awaiting the dawn, where new magic will rise.

With every fresh snowfall, a new world is born,
A fortress of beauty, the tattered forlorn,
Every flake a promise, a hope to behold,
In winter's embrace, the wonders unfold.

So here’s to the snows that blanket the ground,
In their icy embrace, countless joys can be found,
Through the chill and the quiet, let hearts sing and soar,
For the dance of the snowflakes is forever, evermore.

In the crystal-laden air, pure as the dawn,
We find beauty in stillness, and life carries on,
For snow, in its grandeur, is a gift that we share,
A reminder of magic, suspended in air.
#snow #nature @madhu.. @poojasharma

© Priyansh Honey Varshney