

Dull desires wake me
to the sonorous beats
of debilitating heartaches

A sunken chest
a bleeding heart
a shredded soul
a taunt frail torso
enveloped by frozen emotions
toyed and stirred maliciously by holy deceits
wear wrinkles on my face
and coerce me into the darkened
corridors of depression

I hear sounds of the stranger in my bed
Yes, the stranger in my house
eerie,deafening and deadly
questions thronging
answers dimming

The night is long
my sight is druggy
dehydrated thoughts
bury me in fearful graves
of recollections so fresh yet fake
as the flames of betrayal and denial
stand robust on the shores of infidelity

Broken and haunted
by the litany of lies
spewed of non-existent tomorrows
by a lass whose poisonous words
drew patterns of aches and deceits
in my cerebrum
fenced by ulcers of regrets

My lip twitches
as sentimental recollections
overflow and spill ceaselessly
with creeky eyes creating puddles of
emptiness,longing,warmth and heartbreak

I know friends can become foes
but how can soulmates in a stalemate
become tearsmate?

I'm pained
I'm devastated
I am broken

© Enash86