

☦️he Elite & the Guy in the Street
To all those who like poetry/and or historically accurate missives and/or life's woes, or just plain gossip between regular Joe's bar hopping on a Saturday night ðowntown trip. Or for the regal Dane all up in everyone else's lane, her gluttony & waste with extravagant taste & the Arrogant Prof. wearing the smoking jacket who just couldnt hack it would scoff at the miscreants in the city who are disposed & drawn to all things foul & shitty, thee Elite as it were,...get off on they're Bio's & Books of Wars gone by, so many lives they took. "Epic Edda's" be they contrived or not,...sometimes its all we got while waiting for beloved Family to come & see us is still better than the darkly mottled hot of Azmodeus...to those of us whose moral compass still means something. Almost as much as does having the blessing of real friends & lovers because we know what a gift it is without contriving the "Snakes" boast of those amongst us who have to fake it to make it 💯% without being maleficent is how we live & its how...