

The night
I catch your eye from across the floor
Your smile shines bright, I want more
The music's pumping, the vibe's so right
We move together, under the neon light

Your laughter bubbles, it's contagious
We dance like there's no need for pauses
We spin and twirl, bodies entwined
In this moment, you're all that's on my mind
I feel the chemistry, the sparks ignite
As we groove to the rhythm, it feels so right
Your playful glances, your teasing grin
I'm falling for you, from deep within

We banter back and forth, in flirty banter
Lost in the music, the night's enchantment
Your touch electrifies, sending shivers down my spine
I'm caught up in the magic, in this moment so divine
We dance, we laugh, we share a kiss
The world fades away, it's just pure bliss

But reality sets in like my past sin
My father's voice, with a playful grin
He pours water on my sleepy face
I groggily wake up, in a grumpy pace

I realize it was just a dream, a sweet illusion
My heart sinks, filled with confusion
No flirty banter, no magical night
Just a mundane morning, lacking delight.

© P.S