

Death: Achievement at rest
Let her sleep deep,
Let us not weep,
For she is at her journey’s end,
Left with no memories to mend.
she has achieved her dreams tired
is she let her sleep let her forget the struggles faced the oppositions faced
she has touched the tape at last to amaze
and stand aghast let us not weep to sadden her in journey ahead let's believe is this is not the last death is not a end but end for a new beginning this world is not a destination last we are all time travellers drifting in the flow of Time to meet unite and depart to follow the same pattern again she lived a life full paved her way to triumph through meandering ways of the world those that flock today mocked ridiculed and we're biggest critics but today they mourn we judge a person by his worst in life but by the best in death a person is born aspires and dreams of a place to achieve in this strange world he diligently takes pains overcoming obstacles to achieve life has a fixed span it's cruel it has no sentiments of winning or losing you could achieve or not the cold hands of death are looming overhead to snatch your life in between we must always remember Death is closing on us we can be its prey anytime unawares we see the merriment and joy but fail to see the clouds of sorrow looming overhead to rain unawares life is a long run a marathon we are in we are just running along a unknown track
unknown to the finish point we we breast the tape or fail before achieve or fall before is undecided because we are unknown to it but the end is decided by Destiny thus destiny holds before it our future success or failure we hold a person responsible for his acts but we are unaware of being puppets in the hands of the puppeteer God and our actions are reflections of his mind and will our role is of a actor deputed to perform on the world stage as best performance we can give our end is near death is closing on us fast but till the last breath we must try to give our best not for us and the world but to prove our worth in the eyes of God our Father and the creator.
© Pegasus 999