

When I was younger I used to think the next stage of my life was secured
I felt all I needed to do was to grow up and enjoy the advantages of being an adult which my young mind summed up as freedom
I saw adulthood as an escape route

Little did I know in the freedom I dreamt of lies responsibilities
Responsibility itself is what makes you an adult
My young mind refused to tell me adulthood
Is all about responsibilities in disguise of freedom

I suddenly discovered I cannot act the way I want to age restricted me
Age restrictions are sure more than my mother's restrictions
I wanted freedom from my mother
Freedom to do whatever I want to do
Little did I know life possesses
The ability to control humans

Adulthood I so much longed for became
A barrier
Tick tock the clock ticks everyday with
much records of red ink of failures
Than blue ink of achievement

I suddenly don't want to grow up
I suddenly feel like going back to that
stage of my life
when I was being taken care of and I needed not to take care of myself
I suddenly feel like going back to that
stage of my childhood
I have left behind

What is adulthood without achievements
To back it up?
The world eagerly awaits your achievements
And seems too blind to see your struggles
If I have the freedom to choose
I would chose not to grow up.