

A queen with scars
The days were unending as were the nights,
She waited and waited and waited,
But there seemed no hope in sight
Drowning in life's acerbic sea,
she loses every atom of hope.
In the depths of her past,
a girl in tides of sorrow,
Yet through life's tempest blast,
She embraces a brighter tomorrow.

Unsure of what lies ahead,
she fights to make her path clear.
Recognizing that her future lies in her strength,
she marches forward;with a smile intending survival.
Transforming her pain into celestial stars;
She defies all that may hold her back.

She's a queen adorned with scars;
but yet, doesn't fail to flaunt it with a smile.
In the depths of her tears,she understands,
Her soul is a flame that will never exile.
Although life taunting voice persist,
but her spirit will forever remain.

Playing determination's challenging game,
With hope and faith as her loyal companions,
She has decided to rise above mundane,
building her own empire in her own dominion.

© Marian