

No point.
Bell peppers told her a tale,
of how family thought she was exaggerating,
of how deep her sorrow had gotten,
she found no reason to talk anymore,
neither could she explain the reason for her tears,
her mother always made fun with her flaws,
she shut off,withdrew and observed,
many times had she been caught falling down the dark abyss,
snapped back to reality by the cries of her mother,
her mother questioned why,
wanting to know why she had a child as such,

Finally, she gave in and shared a little of her darkside,
she was shamed for it,
at every opportunity mocked with her secrets shared,
she withdrew again,this time farther than before,
her mother suggested seeing a doctor,
there was no point,
she couldn't voice how she felt,
writing out didn't help much either,

What's left to do?
keep quiet,observe,
weep and wail into the darkest hours,
soak the sheets in salty water,
let them caress her face and lead her to sleep,
one day she'll conquer,
rise above waves,
but as it is, she's forlorn.
© Nehita baht