

Rhythms of Life
Life's rhythm sometimes quickens, sometimes slows,
Moments unnoticed, yet precious, come and go.
We drift along, swept by the current's flow,
Until we awaken to nature's radiant glow.

Life, at times, moves languidly, a gentle stream,
Where even the flow fails to fulfill our dream.
In songs, art, and verse, we seek to glean,
The mysteries of life, its ever-changing scene.

But must we always decipher life's maze,
Or dare we trust in its enigmatic ways?
A journey it is, with no fixed end or phase,
On this vast stage, we play our transient plays.

In darkness, life may feel like a winding tunnel,
Moments etch memories, both harsh and gentle.
Happiness and sorrow, woven in life's shuttle,
Let's embrace the journey, with all its subtle.