

When you let go
When you let go,
That not necessarily,
you are weak,
it could be a sign of respect
for the person or the position.
at times, to maintain the
decorum or professionalism.

For a while, let's voice,
you have a choice to not let go,
giving responses to the every
charges of other side,
that would be like,
asking for egos
to take advantage of the opportunity,
chaos to prevail and then
questions crop up, So what, ?
Let it be, but in due course,
the task at hand takes the back seat,
self-pride comes forward to
grab the driver seat and
peels off all the fun.

When you let go,
you create a space of
better things to enter your life,
it gives the notion
there is a more to come in future,
don't get fixed to a situation
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