

It’s never going to stop, is it?
The constant highs and lows.
The crying and self doubt one minute.
Happiness and feeling on top of the world the next.
I’m never going to stopped feeling trapped.
Trapped in my god damned mind.
Screaming at the top of my fucking lungs to find a way out????
Stuck in the God damn tunnel of darkness.
I can have something good happen, can’t I?
I mean, Cierra can be fucking happy.
Am I right?
I can have some damn ease in this exploding brain of mine…..
Well, in this tunnel of darkness there is light.
I see it.
Smiling big and bright down the way.
Holding out its arms and being so warm and welcoming.
The light is hugging me and telling me that everything is going to be okay.
This fucking beautiful beam of light holds me with love.
This light is what my God sent me.
This light will never go dark.
This light is forever glowing, right?

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