

You V/S You
The flames that make me feel alive
Even though they leave me no space to breathe
The Only thing that can wake me is the slash of knife
I love to dodge the sword while casually dropping the shield

A moment where my excitement outshine my fear
Where I am willing for the storm to hold me closer
When the demon inside me is represented by the black gown I wear
Telling the girl inside the mirror that she is no longer a loser

Where I realize that every steps taken helps clear the path infront of me
The black roads ahead were just the painting I made in my head
The scenarios turning into reality is something I will die to see
Now it stings to sleep on roses laid on a bed

The things I have been chasing for so long seem lacking to my soul
What is missing that aches my soul? I think I have a clue
What happens to me is not my fault,but how I react is within my control
It's like someone is saying don't waste your time competing others It's just you v/s you
© breeze_of_feb

#WritcoQuote #writco #sad #Love&love #Love&love💞 #poem #poetrycommunity #Heart #motivation #inspirational