

The Broken Glass
I asked myself,
What happened?
I wish to pick the pieces,
but I always got hurt by this love.
how do you unbreak the glass with hurting yourself?
our love is the world of chaos,
sometimes I don't know whether we going forward or backward.
why I am always the one getting hurt?
love isn't supposed where we got happy and excited?
Everything I tried so hard,
my heart feels like glass and I'm left picking up the pieces,
broken in the inside I look perfect on the outside.
my tears turn to blood flowing in my heart,
why our love so broken like a glass?
in my my mind I thought it's worth fighting for,
but at the end I'm the who is fighting for our love.
tell me if you don't care anymore and I will leave,
coz a broken glass is never easy to be picked together,
just like our love.

© Makaziwe Gotyana