

Here in neverend it's never peaceful too long,
All the crying, screaming and fear whenever shots fire,
All the screams of pain,The fear to come out of your own home and went outside.Have they listen to our cries? have they ever stopped and think about "What if it was my family "?
Kids with no food they don't have enough money. Kids with no home,No ones sleeping comfortable.
If you lost someone that you love or close to you then you'll know the pain and sparrows we went through each and every day.How can others watch and did nothing while innocent girls and boys are being killed.They murdered us because we're different from the others .When will it end ? Will it even end ?,The killing never end,When will the hating stopped.

I'll love to see the deadly weapons rust in and people know no fear,I hope the kids of today ain't blind to see or know the outcome.
© Annastacia smith