

Love or like?
I don't know if it is love or like.
Every time I see you.
I feel so hype.
No word can disguise.
No sign replays.
I'm just curious.
But lately i realize.

It's not them but it's you.
My mind can't decide.
But my heart chooses you.
You break the wall.
you conquer my all.
But i'm confused.
Do i like or love you?

As time goes by.
The feeling is getting high.
The eagerness was occupied.
My heart can't be denied

Is it love or like?
This kind of feeling.
Are going to strike.
The feeling is overwhelming.
The curiosity in my mind.
Are now running.

I must know it soon.
This feeling must solve the unknown.
I can't ask the feeling on its own.
Even the lights are on.

It is love or like.
I want to know it
So i can decide.
Weather to stop it
Or to fight.
I can't answer it.
Even my mind and heart.
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