

An Angel's Bound Wings (1)
(Sorry, super long so I will continue part 2, do you guys want part 2??? Cuz if u dont want, it's ok)

Darkness hugged the room,
It's silent stony stare,
The only light emitted was,
From a glowing hole,

You would never believe me,
If I told,
Who were inside,
With their majestic wings bound,
Their exravagant robes in tatters,
And their hawk eyes blinded.

For this tale,
Was a sad one,
So fellow readers,
Read on.

Their hands groped restlessly around,
Scraping at the concrete walls,
For a hope of escape,
As these unfortunate,
Angels were caught be the,
Red Headed Devil.

It was then,
Our protagonist of this poem,
A fellow angel,
Her head filled with the wildest daydreams,
You couldn't even muster,
Thought of an marvelous,
But of course,
A major flaw was in it.

She forged ahead,
Stumbling forward,
Her hands outstretched,
Ignoring the sharp pangs,
From her wings,
Which longed to fly freely in the clouds.

She stopped when,
She felt soft feathers,
Under her fingers,
Deaf to the panicked shouting Angel,
Whose wings she held on,
Groping for the tight leather belt,
That bound his wings,
Unlocking it with a ,