I'm Tired
It's stressing me out, school
I've had a breakdown about it once infront of my mom, which I still think to this day is pathetic and here I am feeling like I'm gonna again and that because of me
My procrastination, my stupidity, me being dumb, dumb, dumb
My lab book is hanging on for dear life almost half of what I wrote is falling out and cxc is right around the corner
and its not just one lab book
It's 2 of them
Chemistry which is the science I'm smartest in or whatever that is
And Biology the one I need but don't like so much but can be good at
My stupidity for tearing out pages in grade 10
Now it looks like all that has come back to haunt me
And I'm tired
I'm tired of everything that is something
I'm tired of school, I'm tired of my life, my self, my health, my mind for overthinking everything that is life, I'm tired of not being smart enough, I'm tired of not being able to talk properly, tired of always...
I've had a breakdown about it once infront of my mom, which I still think to this day is pathetic and here I am feeling like I'm gonna again and that because of me
My procrastination, my stupidity, me being dumb, dumb, dumb
My lab book is hanging on for dear life almost half of what I wrote is falling out and cxc is right around the corner
and its not just one lab book
It's 2 of them
Chemistry which is the science I'm smartest in or whatever that is
And Biology the one I need but don't like so much but can be good at
My stupidity for tearing out pages in grade 10
Now it looks like all that has come back to haunt me
And I'm tired
I'm tired of everything that is something
I'm tired of school, I'm tired of my life, my self, my health, my mind for overthinking everything that is life, I'm tired of not being smart enough, I'm tired of not being able to talk properly, tired of always...