

Before It All Started
The days too eventually fell silent,
No sounds, not even by the crows,
All you could hear was the sound of,
Fear knocking on the doors,
Just a cough and there's panic everywhere
Everything all started with the eruption of a pandemic
At first it all sounded grotesque
Social relationships went into eerie silence
The streets looking like a graveyard
Fear engulfing the world
Death tolls increasing by the day
Lockdown became a daily routine
Isolation and quarantine became common vocabulary
Hunger went on with conquest with the outbreak
I ask but wonder;
When is this going to end?
When is all this going to be a tale that will be told to coming Generations?
Are we all going to survive ?

All we do is only hope
It's better to stay safe
Than early to the grave
Just what is needed-comply with directions
Those hands wash them
That face don't touch
If home stay safe
All we can do is only wait
When this current condition will be thrown into oblivion in our minds.