

In the Quiet of the Breeze
and so, I move forward,
carrying the love we shared like a sacred relic,
knowing that he is woven into
the very fabric of the world around me.

he lives in the quiet whisper of the breeze
that brushes my cheek,
in the soft glow of the stars
that guide me through the dark.

his presence lingers in the spaces we once filled,
a gentle reminder
that he is part of everything he loved.

i find him in the laughter of old friends,
in the familiar scent of a passing stranger,
and in the warmth of a fading sunset.

though he is gone, he is not lost;
he is in the rain that nourishes the earth,
the wind that stirs the leaves,
the light that breaks the dawn.

he is the love that endures,
eternal and unyielding,
etched in every corner of my heart
and every breath I take.

and in that love, I find the strength to keep going,
to honor the life we built together,
and to carry him with me, always.

© reddragonfly