

Dear African Politician, defying all
odds, you fight to enter into the cave
of power. Therein, is the actual test,
you fail time and again. What you lack
Is restraints while in greedy wants.
Restraint in wants is a skill to master, to
manage the several moments of greed.

You don't see yet, though, all shiny things
have danger tirggers, they are carefully
guided by a fire spitting dragon. That you
loot in successions and with success
Is a factor of the dragon's weakness.
It loves to sleep and snore quietly. Oh!
these shiny things.

It is why you keep taking what does
not belong to you, even as you have
been given your ample share from
the plenties in the cave. It is why you
keep eating up portions of cakes that
you know, it belongs to the masses.
You overeat and send empty platforms
down the food chain.

Dear, African Politician, others are
in dire need of fractions of these
shiny things. The lack is pure and
their poverty, abject. You need to care,
consciously learn restraints, for times
when you have used up what has been
earmarked as yours while in the caves
of the dragon.

Learn to let go of the chunks you
keep grabbing into your slippery bowls.
Even when you don't grab all, it can only
get to the masses in crumbs.These
masses, believe me, are that many.
Lots and loads. Suffering makes them
eat already, slices from the flesh of
their fellow brothers.

Learn boundaries while in the caves,
the dragon incubates raging furnace
of blue flames, it erodes in crippling
carnage. Teach your self restraints,
everything you see there, does does
not belong to you and your clan. Life
is not only of you and your greedy wants.

Dear African Politician. these masses
are the offsprings of the slumbering
dragon. Their needs, eroded by your
exreme greed, this lack of restraints.
Life will teach you as you grow weak
and make to leave the cave of the
dragon, outside the caves are millions
of little dragons breathing groping fire
just like their mother.

©Ibadi'aran Omo Akinde


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