

I was walking in the Fog of the night!
I was walking in the Fog of the night!

Waiting for the clues to settle in,
As the murder just happened,
Staged by some unknown lover!

Wasted happiness,
As a chill attacks my spine,
Lovingly slached and shot, Drowned and there's more!
Kindness on vacation,
I see the head of another,
Never forgotten,
God, I need more pay!

I can not go on!
Now is the time to run!

Treachery gone wild,
Have you some coffee!
Each moment, the chill is frightful!

Friends become enemies,
Only to end up on a slab,
Ghosts in the making!

Oh dear, Lord!
Festive night, party night, maybe!

Teach me how to see past rage,
Hang on to mercy, if you can!
Enormous is my thoughts!

Now I have an idea,
I see a truck slightly upturned,
God say it is not so!
Have you seen that sign before,
Tuckies costume shack!

(crime solved)
© William Stephen Foos