

Jealousy Is My Name
She rises from the ashes,
Donning infinite avatars,
Sending the vile searching for cover,
And begging for mercy to forgive her.

She crept in as silent as a falling pin,
Stirring a mix of unpleasant feelings inside.
Before I even had a chance to escape,
She had started molding me into something I couldn't recognize.

When had I let her in I seldom wondered,
When did this happen, when had I made this blunder.
Faint hint, I surely would have missed,
Or gotten confused and so ignored.

She was bound to have entered in a fraction of a second,
Paving no way for me, though I may have yelled out loud.
A ruthless intruder, taking me into her possession,
Causing deep pain within, scarred by everlasting wounds.

When had she planted her seed,
When had she begun to mislead,
When had she caused my insides to burn,
When had she brought me to a point of no return.

One day as I sat by a clear blue lake,
It all came to me, I never had felt more miserable though clear.
She never came in, as a guest unwanted,
I so easily let her in, allowing her to make me feel she had won.

Jealousy is my name,
Have you got it all figured out, how I came.
You welcomed me with open hands,
Allowing me to make you follow all my commands.

© Maja Malhotra