

Expressions of Drama
He said, she said, you said, we said. Everyone said this but me. All these ideas and opinions have been spoken into existence about me without my consent. Words are stuffed into my mouth by those I don’t even know and I’m expected to own up to them. Who owns up to something they never said or did? Not I! I’m not the one honey. Don’t rock my boat or you’ll get knocked off without a doubt. Don’t test these waters unless you’re prepared to face my tidal waves. Don’t talk or speak on me recklessly if you’re not ready to suffer my consequences. I fear no man or woman I only fear Allah. Someone made of clay will not run my life into ruin. This is nothing but drama. Miss me with the drama. Miss me with the rumors all over town. Miss me with the jealous stares you and your friends give me. Miss me with the he said and she said because at the end of the day he and she are not me! There’s nothing holding me back, I remain courageous and stand tall in the face of all this drama. But drama must be your middle name cuz that’s all I see you in. I’m gonna go ahead and call you Little miss drama. Call me petty for that but it’s true. Nobody can drag me down especially not someone like you.

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