

Little Stupid, Big Heart
Often, even for very small things, you were offended. We were trying to make you see reason, but Zoe, damn if you're stubborn. It wasn't her way to decide to make peace immediately, and so she often locked herself in her room with music playing and some books in her hand, did stimming, and released tension by crying and walking back and forth across the room. Zoe is an autistic teenager, it is not always easy to understand or help her. But I saw her being born, growing up, and these moments of difficulty will not stop me from loving her. I do everything for her, photos, drawings, songs of her with the guitar together. In short, in the end you leave that little room of yours and in tears in your own way ask for a hug, because you feel guilty for not having tried to talk sooner, in our way. I love you stupid.© PityPoem