

Spring Man

Once upon a time, I was at the heart of the sequel of his life story,
All I remembered I knew him from the beginning
We shared a memory like an empyrean tale
But one day, the beauty and fantasy were fading

I was at the heart of the sequel of his life story,
but I was never the reason to continue it.
The day that I haven't imagined came
A fairy tale reality of ours turned into nightmare

Indeed, our lives are like an ocean with distinct density
decided to settle once, and asserted forever.
Nevertheless, we can't really be together.
All I can do is stare at you far away

Mesmerized the days that I was with you.
My heart is still willing to wait,
No matter how long the days that it will take
But seems like the goddess of love against in our fate

If I will be given a chance to change the series when I met you
I will still choose the same sequence over and over again
But for the second time I'll make sure that the final chapter won't be the same.
I'll certainly ensure another chance is on my side.

The morning breeze woke me up
I knew if I opened my eyes it would completely rift our tether
You're the spring man of my lucid dream,
Ciao, it was a great and agonizing journey.

Written in 2021

© ugma