

Quantum Dispair
In the depths of existential strife, I tread,
Seeking solace where existence has bled.
A poem, a reflection of the questions in my mind,
About failure, quantum paths, immortality entwined.

Once vibrant dreams, now veiled in despair,
As I ponder the realms of existential snare.
Failure, a haunting specter that lingers within,
Eroding hope, shrouding the soul in chagrin.

Quantum whispers, a paradoxical woe,
Embracing thoughts of suicide, a path to go.
In the myriad branches, alternate paths unfold,
But in this realm, despair's tales are told.

Yet, amidst the darkness, a flicker of light,
The notion of immortality, a beacon so bright.
In quantum leaps, where possibilities ensue,
I seek the eternal, a realm I wish to pursue.

Through the realms, I journey and explore,
Grasping at straws, yearning for something more.
Will immortality bring solace to my plight,
Or tether me further to the ghosts of the night?

As I ponder these existential quandaries profound,
I realize it's the journey, not the answers found.
For within the failures, the suicides conceived,
Lie lessons learned, and a soul that's perceived.

So let us navigate these depths with grace,
Seeking meaning in life's intricate embrace.
For in the understanding of our mortal strife,
We find glimpses of immortality, in the tapestry of life.
© Cosmicbeing