

Stormy Goodbye
Rain pouring millions of droplets
Onto the dusty glass window
Cleaning it from the outside
The wind howls
Like wolves on a full moon
The streets bare
The roads slick
You should’ve been home
The clock strikes ten
I know you're an hour late
But I calm the worry storm inside me
“He’s fine” I’d say
Hoping I’ll believe my own voice
You arrive a quarter past ten
Soaked from the rain
Umbrella broke
The smell of women’s perfume
Catches my nose
“Work ran late”
Thunder cracks open the sky
Lightning not to far behind
Seems appropriate
For the storm that’s about to happen in here
You rush to the shower
Guilty of your infidelity
I don’t stop you
I just warm your tea
Ginger with lemon and honey
The glass mug
I bought at a vintage shop
I pulled from the creaky cabinet
As I stir your tea and give it a blow
I wonder did she blow you?
What was her name?
Was it something slutty?
Was she a co worker
Or someone you’ve gave money
Either way
I’m fed up
Ready to show you
My lightning and thunder
You sit so calmly
With tea in hand
Happily you say
“How was your day?
The steam fuming out my ears
Could be used in steam rooms
I asked the infamous question
“Who is she?”
Surprising you answer
Without a lie
“She’s no one”
But you smell like her
Vanilla and lavender
Your next words
Hit me mercilessly
I wouldn’t need her
If you looked liked her
Outside the storm raged
Swinging trees and blowing leaves
It sounded like war in the heavens
And you were no angel
By those actions
You were a demon
Needed to send you back home
In my hand
A small red dagger
Placed it behind my back
“I’m sorry honey, i'll do better”
As those words left my lips
I plunged the dagger deep
Into your heart
Blood pours down
As I push it deeper
The thunder calms
The lightning stops
The rain slows down
So does your heart
Kiss on your forehead
As I say