


A smile is a gift, so pure and so bright,
It lights up the world, with its warm delight.
It's contagious and free, a treasure to share,
A symbol of joy, that's beyond compare.

In a world that tries, to put a price on glee,
Remember, happiness is free, wild, and carefree.
So let's spread joy, like confetti in the air,
And fill each day, with laughter and love to spare.

A smile can calm fears, and soothe troubled minds,
It's a balm for the soul, that's one of a kind.
It's a language that's universal, understood by all,
A bridge that connects us, standing tall.

So let's wear our smiles, like a badge of honor true,
And share them with others, to see them shine through.
For in the act of smiling, we find our own glee,
And spread joy to others, wild and carefree.

Happiness is a choice, that we make every day,
So let's choose to smile, and drive the blues away.
For a smile is a gift, that's priceless and rare,
A treasure that's precious, beyond compare.

So let's spread joy, and smile with all our might,
And fill the world with happiness, shining so bright! 💫😊