

A1-proverbs 4 musu

→Good things come
to those who wait..

Better things come
To those who get
A glimpse of musu

Best things come
To those who inspire
Musu is ideal ideas

Am also waiting ..but
I don't want good things
I just want Good-looking
musu jaan

Musu :

→Knowledge is power

But for me musu
Ka superlative smile
Is zillion watt power
Now I can lift mountain

Musu :
Oh yeah ? Really ??
Ok ok lift CBD mountain
Ha ha ha haaaaa

→Laughter is the
best medicine.

Yes but only musu ka
Laughter ..is the best
Medicine 💊

Other girls ka laughter
Is worse worst pill

Musu :
.ha haa haa

→No man is an island

Being Lonely is not good
All need some one ..
And amu need only
Musu jaan

Musu :
Island became Iceland
By the entry of amu 🤩

Amu :
Whaaaattt?? Omg ??

Musu :
Ha ha ha ..😎
Just teasing you
So you don't feel lonely

© amusu