

Time, the ever-elusive tide, That slips through our fingers, never to abide. A fleeting moment, a passing hour. A reminder of life's unstoppable power.

It marches on, relentless and sure, Leaving behind memories, both bright and pure. It shapes our days, it molds our lives, It tests our strength, and our hearts it strives.

Time, the great equalizer of all, Both humble and mighty, both big and small. It teaches us patience, it tests our will, It challenges us to climb every hi

In moments of joy, it flies with ease, In moments of sorrow, it seems to freeze. We chase after it, we long for more. Yet it slips away, always out the door.

So let us embrace each passing hour, Let us cherish each moment, each bloom and each flower. For time is a gift, both precious and rare, A reminder to live fully, to love and to care.

~Awaleen Nazir