

Behind the mask.
Hiding the pain, hiding the hurt,
Hiding the tears that fall like rain,
Saying I'm fine when I'm anything but sad..
This ache in my soul rips at my gut,
My skin is on fire, I burn from within..
The still on my face is an ongoing sin..

Travelled through the horizon to search for happiness,
Got nothing but sadness and loneliness..
A wish to go back being a toddler,
A time when I was pain free without a fee..

My story not known,
An ocean of tears which is not shown..
Too many faces,
Don't know which one to own
My masks!.

My hands so heavy,
Don't know if its steady..
Don't want to question,
The world must stay out.

I've built a fence,
Waiting for someone to see,
I wear a mask, and care enough to remove it..
Is that too much to ask?

© Damie