

Even If
“To be loved is to be seen"

It’s like the missing piece fell back into place,
A puzzle now solved in a silent embrace,
Where shadows retreat from the light of your face,
Even if the world forgets our names.

Even if time wears our edges thin,
And the echoes of laughter grow faint within,
I’ll carry your voice where dreams begin,
In the heart of a memory, unclaimed.

Even if storms shake our fragile ground,
And the winds of change swirl us round,
I’ll hold you close in the calm we’ve found,
Our sanctuary, forever unnamed.

For even if the stars lose their way,
And the night swallows the last of the day,
I’ll love you still, come what may,
In blissful silence, undying love remains.

Immortalized by our memories,
The remnants of our legacy,
Even if our skies grow dim
Even with no life within
My love will echo through the halls with no end,

Your smile,
Your eyes,
Your laugh,
Your tears,
Your mind,
Your soul,

Even if the fabric of my being is no more,
Even for rich or poor,
Even if my bones may break,
Even if my pulse may fade,

I will find my way,
I will see you,
I will love you,
I need not to see you to love you,
But to be loved is to be seen.

© Soundz