

I want to be a poem...
I want to be a poem
Beautifully written and composed
Defined by all those silent lines
That yet never got told

I want to be a poem
A written piece of art
An enchanting story
A word reaching the heart

I want to be a poem
Made by a dying soul
Made by a playboys broken heart
Made by the soft girl, who'd lost control

I want to be a poem
To let them realise
That all those cold armoured soldiers,
truly hold feelings
Bleeding in disguise

I want to be a poem
And quietly stare at me
And read along those silent lines
A writer made me be

I want to be a poem
Drowning in my own
Deep within a writers mind
That yet remains unknown

And I could share their bliss and love
Their painful screams and tears
I could share their joyful smiles and thoughts
Their anger, suffer and fears

And I would read their faces
The emotions in their mind
I would see the desolated hearts
That humans left behind

I want to be a poem
Embedded by writers forever
And take them into my written embrace
Holding them together

© my.littlepoet